LEAP faculty and students meet every other week to discuss ongoing research projects and development topics!
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Organized with Bocconi and in collaboration with Bocconi Students for Diplomacy and International Cooperation Association.
LEAP thanks all organizers and participants to the first Workshop on Networks and Development, held on 21-22 April at Univerità di Napoli Federico II.
The program for the event held on 21-22 April in Naples.
Congratulation to our affiliate Selene Ghisolfi and her coauthors for the publication!
An event to discuss the difficult work of helping children in a fragile environment, whose talents and grace are crushed by unfair life situations.
We invite submissions from interested researchers on a broad range of topics in development economics, including (but not limited to): human capital; firms and entrepreneurship; agriculture; labor; migration; social norms; gender; political economics; behavioral economics.
Congratulations to our affiliates Thomas Le Barbanchon and Diego Ubfal and their coauthor Federico Araya for the publication.
The video recording of the event "School, Pandemic and Resilience" is now available.
LEAP invites affiliated students to submit proposals for research projects on poverty and development issues through the "LEAP Student Grant" project. EXTENDED DEADLINE: March 31, 2022.
LEAP is pleased to announce the upcoming event: SCHOOL, PANDEMIC AND RESILIENCE, to discuss the challenges the pandemic has posed to the Italian schooling systems and potential solutions.