Current Open Positions

In this section you will find positions as a Research Assistant (RA) or Internships which are currently open on LEAP projects or other partner institutes and organizations. Information on how to apply is available in the description of each position.


Predoc Research Assistants 

We are looking for four pre-doc research assistants working on the evaluation of education-related projects in Italy, Finland, and Chile. The main PI is Michela Carlana (Harvard Kennedy School and Bocconi University), but you will get the opportunity to work with other PIs depending on the project you join: Will Dobbie (Harvard), Eleonora Patacchini (Cornell), Marco Tabellini (Harvard), Sarvimäki Matti (Aalto), Mikko Silliman (Aalto), Marinella Leone (University of Pavia), Michela Tincani (UCL), and Eliana La Ferrara (Harvard). 

The contract is for 12 months and can be extended for an additional year. Good social and quantitative skills are required. Start date negotiable: from April to September 2025. Three positions are based in Milan at LEAP-Bocconi University and one position is based in Rome, with the possibility of working remotely for part of the contract. 


  • Oversee and coordinate baseline and endline research activities, including the participation to field work.

  • Clean and manage datasets

  • Conduct statistical analyses of data using Stata and R

  • Web scraping in python and website development

  • Prepare literature reviews, background research, and other draft content for grant proposals, academic papers, project reports. 



  • Masters in Economics, Public Policy, or related field requiring substantial quantitative coursework

  • Strong academic record

  • Strong interest in public policy and education economics research

  • Knowledge of randomized control trials

  • Strong Italian and English oral and written communication skills

  • Excellent command of Microsoft Office suite (Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint)

  • Proficiency programming in Stata


  • Graduate-level coursework in Economics and Econometrics

  • Prior experience on field research projects and RA work 

  • Proficiency programming in R and JAVA/Python 

How to Apply 

  • Send an email to following these instructions:

    • In the subject line, put “PREDOC – followed by your first and last name” (e.g., “PREDOC– Silvia Rossi”).

    • Attach the following documents:

      • Cover letter (one page max)

      • CV

      • List of two references

      • Stata do file you wrote for your dissertation/course/RA work

    • Few selected candidates will be invited to complete a Stata test. 

Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis starting from March 15, 2025. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for an interview.


Short-Term Temporary/Consultancy: Research Assistant – Administrative data to support the Impact Evaluation of the Indonesia’s Stranas Stunting Program 

I. Background 

In 2017, the Government of Indonesia (GOI) launched the National Strategy to Accelerate Stunting Prevention (Stranas Stunting) as a whole-of-government approach to drive down the country’s high stunting rates. The World Bank (WB) has supported this program through the Investing in Nutrition and Early Years (INEY) Program for Results (PforR), launched in 2018. The Presidential Regulation Number 72 of 2021 (Peraturan Presiden or Perpres 72) further reinforced and ratified the acceleration of stunting reduction as a government priority. This multisectoral program, aimed to promote simultaneous utilization of priority nutrition interventions by pregnant or lactating women and children under the age of two years. The program's innovative "convergence" approach integrated the package of priority nutrition interventions through multisector coordination both within each national and subnational level of program administration as well as across levels of government to address key determinants of nutrition in a decentralized governance context. Since the launch of the national program, prevalence of stunting among children under 5 years old has registered impressive declines, falling from over 30 percent to just over 21 percent between 2018 and 2022. Little is known about what drove this impressive progress, or how inputs provided to various levels of government for implementation of the national stunting reduction strategy translated into outputs and intermediate outcomes that in turn contributed to these declines.

The World Bank agreed to carry out an impact evaluation (IE) that quantifies the causal impact of Stranas Stunting on nutrition outcomes using a staggered difference in difference design based on survey and administrative data. The impact evaluation analysis will rely on cross sectional national representative nutrition surveys (Riskesas, SKI, SSGI), household socio-economic household surveys (Susenas) spanning the period between 2013 and 2023, as well as a large set of administrative databases to document the mechanisms behind the program effects. The findings will document not only how program impacts were achieved in Indonesia and feed back into the redesign of the program, but also contribute to the global evidence.

II. Objective of the Consultancy

The objective of this consultancy is to serve as a research assistance to the World Bank IE team and support implementation of a non-experimental impact evaluation of the Stranas Stunting program in collaboration with BKPK (Health Policy Agency, previously known as Litbangkes/Health Research Institute) in Indonesia. The research analyst will work under the direct supervision of the PI (Emanuela Galasso (Development Research Group), and will work with the World Bank team in the Jakarta office to organize the collection, data cleaning and harmonization of district-level data on convergence planning, budget allocation and execution), as well as village-level data on budgets, and coverage of a package of key priority interventions.

III. Tasks

The main duties and responsibilities include:

  • Prepare a detailed set of do files for the data preparation, cleaning, description and analysis, in collaboration with the research team.

  • Produce a set of tables and graphs to be exported on markdown for presentations and the main research working paper.

  • Set up a reproducibility documentation on Github.

IV. Period of Performance 

The period of performance is from 10 February until 30 June 2025. The initial contract is for 30 full time days. As work on the IE progresses, additional days may be added up for additional work until June.

V. Deliverables and timeline

  1. Prepare a detailed set of do files for the data cleaning preparation, description and analysis, in collaboration with the research team

  2. Support in the preparation of graphs and tables for presentations and for the policy research working paper

  3. Reproducibility documentation on Github

VI. Fees and Payment Schedule 

Fees will be commensurate with experience and qualifications as per Bank rules. The consultant can submit a request for payment after completion of agreed deliverables upon supervisor’s clearance. 

VII. Location of Work

 The consultant should either be based in Indonesia, or be willing to travel for a minimum period of 2- 3 weeks to Jakarta to get the analysis started. 

VIII. Qualifications

  • Master or PhD coursework in economics or related field by the start of the appointment, with strong demonstrated academic performance.

  • Strong data management skills. Previous experience with handling large databases is a plus.

  • Proven analytical skills and proficiency in Stata. Additional expertise in R/Python is a plus.

  • Capacity to maintain an organized and structured work style in a fast-paced environment.

  • Strong interpersonal skills and a team-oriented spirit, and proven success working as a team member.

  • Proactive and results-focused work style with strong problem-solving capabilities

IX. Contacts

Interested candidates can submit their CV/cover letter to Emanuele Galasso (, with Rabia Ali ( in CC.


Research Assistant (9 months)

LEAP Professor Simon Goerlach is looking to hire a research assistant to work on a project on migration and elderly care.

The organization of elderly care is a major challenge for aging societies. The intern will be working on understanding the role of migration in elderly care. The task for the internship is centered on the collection of anonymized data in a firm providing care services. The result of this work will be a novel dataset that allows an analysis of the market for elderly care in Italy. The intern will gain insights into the workings of a crucial economic sector. Furthermore, they will gain experience in the compilation and handling of large datasets, as well as the calculation of statistics and econometric techniques describing the workings of the elderly care sector.
  • April 2025-December 2025 
  • Minimum is 2 full days/week.
Short-term Research Assistant
LEAP Professor Alexia Delfino is seeking a Research Assistant for an empirical project in gender, entrepreneurship and development, conducted in collaboration with Edward Glaeser (Harvard University) and Nava Ashraf (LSE). The project focuses on the analysis of both cross-country data and experimental data. The contract is expected to last one to two months, with a time commitment of 20 hours per week and a starting date as soon as possible.
The ideal candidate should be proficient in Stata, highly independent and fit to work under tight timelines.
Application Deadline: on a rolling basis, but latest date is January 31st.
Please send CV and example of do file. 
For applications or further information, please contact Professor Alexia Delfino at


Short-term Research Assistant

LEAP Professor Erika Deserranno is seeking a Research Assistant for an empirical project in political economy, conducted in collaboration with Professor Nicola Persico (Northwestern University). The project focuses on the survey-based measurement of identity and morality and is expected to last three months, with a time commitment of 20 hours per week.

The ideal candidate should be proficient in R or Python and willing to deepen their knowledge of structural equation models under the guidance of Professor Deserranno.

Application Deadline: January 27th

For applications or further information, please contact Professor Erika Deserranno at


Predoc Research Assistant

Awa Ambra Seck (Harvard Business School) & Francesca Miserocchi (Harvard Kennedy School, and Tilburg University)

We are seeking a highly motivated predoctoral research assistant who will split their time working on two exciting research agendas:

  1. Development Economics and Culture, with Awa Ambra Seck. 

    The agenda includes projects that explore topics such as migration from Africa to Europe, in both a contemporary and historical context, the effects of colonial policies on the economic performance of West African countries, and the economics of culture.

  2. Hiring Discrimination against Ethnic Minorities, with Francesca Miserocchi and Silvia Barbareschi.

    Projects will focus on labor economics and hiring discrimination, particularly, the Research Assistant will work on the piloting and implementation of a field experiment aimed at reducing hiring gaps against ethnic minorities applying for jobs in the hospitality industry in Italy.

The position offers a unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience in economic research while working closely with two young scholars based in the United States and Europe. The ideal candidate is a strongly motivated student, who is eager to learn and assist on experimental and quasi-experimental methods in economics. An interest in how policy can assist developing countries and marginalized communities, is an asset.

Details of the Position:

  • Duration: 12 months, with potential for renewal for an additional 12 months.

  • Start Date: July 1st, 2025.

  • Location: Remote with potential travel for data collection (expenses covered).

  • Compensation: Competitive and based on experience and location.

  • Responsibilities:

    • Manage and clean datasets.

    • Conduct statistical analyses using Stata and Python.

    • Develop tools for text-parsing and deep learning applications.

    • Design and implement surveys (e.g., Qualtrics).

    • Prepare literature reviews and background research for academic papers and grant proposals.


  • Undergraduate or master’s degree in economics, Public Policy, or related field with strong quantitative training.

  • Graduate-level coursework in Economics or Econometrics preferred.

  • Strong academic record.

  • Knowledge of quasi-experimental methods and survey implementation.

  • Experience with programming in Stata; familiarity with Python or R is a plus.

  • Proficiency in English and French is essential.

  • Familiarity with labor market topics and/or African development is a bonus.

How to Apply:

Please send an email to with the subject line “PREDOC Seck/Miserocchi 2025 – [Your Name].” Include the following:

  • Cover letter (one page maximum)

  • CV

  • List of two references

  • Writing sample

  • Stata do-file from your dissertation, coursework, or prior RA work

  • Python script (if applicable)

  • Academic transcripts

Deadline: January 15th, 2025. Shortlisted candidates will be contacted for an interview and a skill test.


5 Research Assistant Positions at LEAP - 2 months starting from January 2025

Principal Investigators: Michela Carlana (Bocconi University) Selene Ghisolfi (Catholic University of Milan), Marco Gui (Bicocca University), and Marinella Leone (University of Pavia).

The Laboratory for Effective Antipoverty Policies (LEAP) at Bocconi University, Milan, invites applications for 5 Research Assistant positions, 3 of which are Junior positions and 2 of which are Senior positions, working full-time or part-time for 2 months starting from January 2025 to support a research project on education in Italy. 

Candidates must the based in Milan or close to Milan for the entire period. 

Successful applicants will be involved in activities such as

  • Participating in field research activities (quantitative data collection) in around 100 schools in Lombardy.

  • Helping to prepare background research and project reports.

  • Cleaning collected data. 

Application requirements for the Junior Positions ( are as follows: 

  • Bachelors in Economics, Public Policy, or related field requiring substantial quantitative coursework.

  • Excellent knowledge of the Office package.

  • Basic knowledge of quantitative methods and public policy evaluation.

  • Excellent knowledge of Italian and English languages.

Application requirements for the Senior Positions ( are as follows: 

  • Bachelors or Masters in Economics, Public Policy, or related field requiring substantial quantitative coursework.

  • Proven knowledge of STATA software.

  • Excellent knowledge of the Office package.

  • Knowledge of issues related to the economics of education.

  • Previous experience in collecting and analysing quantitative data in the field.

  • Knowledge of quantitative methods and public policy evaluation (e.g. Randomized Controlled Trials).

  • Excellent knowledge of the Italian and English languages.

How to Apply

If you need any further information contact

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for an interview. 


1 post-Doctoral position at LEAP - 1+1 Years 

The Laboratory for Effective Antipoverty Policies (LEAP) at Bocconi University, Milan, invites applications for a 1+1-year post-doc position in Development Economics. The start date is beginning of September 2025. The exact date will be discussed with the candidate. LEAP’s mission is to reduce poverty around the world, with a focus on developing countries and Italy. This is done by combining original data collection in the field and rigorous research to be published in top tier academic journals. LEAP collaborates with governments and NGOs to evaluate the impact of innovative interventions. More information can be found here Leap - Home ( (

Successful candidates are expected to collaborate with LEAP affiliated faculty on joint projects and to contribute to the intellectual environment of LEAP. Projects can span a variety of topics within applied microeconomic development, including (but not limited to) the areas of family economics, social norms, education, health, agriculture, credit and firms. No teaching obligations. Applicants should have excellent research potential and have a Ph.D. degree in Economics or expect to receiving one by September 1, 2025.

To apply, please submit a Curriculum Vitae, a completed research paper and three reference letters to EconJobMarket ( Submission deadline is November 30th, 2024. LEAP will hold job interviews at the European Job Market on December 16-18, 2024.

More details and applications at this link


Part-time Pre-Doctoral Research Assistant (LEAP, Harvard)


Researcher Livia Alfonsi (LEAP and Harvard Business School) is seeking a part-time Pre-Doctoral Research Assistant available to start as soon as possible.

Prof. Alfonsi specializes in development economics, focusing on labor market frictions and the determinants of labor market participation in low-income countries. The position may not be tied to a specific project, but it could be aligned with one depending on how the Research Assistant's skills and interests complement ongoing research. Her research primarily employs methods such as randomized controlled trials, instrumental variables, and fixed-effects models to achieve rigorous causal identification. The main data sources include large-scale surveys (in-person, phone, and audio recordings), observational data, and text data.

How to apply: You can submit your application to and by attaching the following material:

  • One-page CV

  • One-page cover letter (one-page max) Cover letter outlining your motivation, experience and fit to the opportunity 

For more information, download the full vacancy - here



Research Assistant Position - (Bocconi University)

Researchers Selene Ghisolfi (LEAP and Università Cattolica) and Giovanna Marcolongo (CLEAN - Bocconi) seek a research assistant based in Milan, Italy. The project aims to quantify the effect of providing information to children in 8th grade on their career aspirations and school achievement. The position will require both the organization and implementation of the project in middle schools of Milan, and the analysis of the data already collected in the first implementation of the project (23/24). The applicant must be fluent in Italian.

How to apply:

For more information, download the full vacancy - here

Deadline: July 31st, 2024



Agricultural Survey Statistician (FAO)

The Statistics Division (ESS) develops and advocates for the implementation of methodologies and standards for data collection, validation, processing and analysis of food and agriculture statistics. 

Primary Location: Italy-Rome

For more information, see the full vacancy - here

How to apply: application link

Deadline: July 26th, 2024



Pre-Doc Position - (LEAP)

Alexia Delfino (Università Bocconi) and Stefano Fiorin (Università Bocconi) are looking for pre-doc research assistants to work on a variety of projects at the intersection between labor, development and organizational economic, with a focus on gender and vulnerable populations. 

Most of the projects include large scale field experiments which can be at the design stage, ongoing, or at the analysis stage. The ideal candidate has a strong quantitative background and is interested in pursuing a PhD in Economics in the near future. The position is based in Milan, and the candidate will get the opportunity to interact with other PIs in Bocconi University, as well as institutions such as Harvard Business School, LSE, Università Cattolica, Zurich, Oxford and the World Bank.

How to apply: Send an email to following these instructions:
  • in the subject line write “PREDOC 2024 [YOUR SURNAME]”
  • attach a cover letter (of one page max) describing your knowledge of the tools needed for the task, and including the name and email address of two recommendation letter writers
  • attach a CV
  • attach a writing sample in English

For more information, download the full vacancy - here

The deadline to submit your applications is April, 30th 2024. We will not consider any application submitted after the deadline. 



Project Manager - (LSE, LEAP)

The team of Prof. Rocco Macchiavello (LSE, Department of Management) and Iris Steenkamp (LEAP, Bocconi) is looking to hire a Project Manager based in Kigali, Rwanda. The position is ideal for an independent, impact and research driven recent graduate with strong analytical, quantitative, organizational and inter-personal skills. For the past 3 years, the team has been working in close collaboration with a leading coffee multinational (the Partner) to co-design and rigorously evaluate through RCTs sustainability interventions in the Partner’s supply chain. Example of the interventions include roll-out of practices to strengthen relationships with farmers, support towards farm upgrading and tree-rejuvenation, agroforestry, loans, and others. This collaboration has already impacted the way the Partner sources from over 30,000 farmers in Rwanda alone, and we have initiated conversations to scale-up our partnership to other countries in the region and globally. The Project Manager will be the spokesperson of LSE to develop and execute the Research Partnership, will supervise a team of local, in-house, Research Team members, and will be in charge of managing the interventions, supervising data collection, organization, analysis. 


This position would be suited to candidates with a long-term interest in progression to a doctoral program and conducting research in economics. For more information, download the full vacancy - here


How to apply: Complete the J-PAL/IPA common application. After completing a brief registration, choose the Research job category, then select "Project Manager - London School of Economics (based in Kigali)” and include resume, cover letter, and transcripts. Also send those documents at Note that applications with incomplete submissions will not be considered.

The deadline to submit your applications is May, 6th 2024. We will not consider any application submitted after the deadline. 


Pre-doc Research Assistant - (LEAP, Università di Pavia)

Marinella Leone (University of Pavia and LEAP) is looking for a full-time Pre-Doc to work on various exciting research projects, under the project "Gender-Based Violence: improving awareness and reducing underreporting among youth".

One major project focuses on the prevention of gender-based violence among youth with Andrea Guariso (Bicocca and LEAP), Selim Gulesci (TCD and LEAP) and Alejandra Ramos (TCD).

How to apply

Please follow the procedure outlined in the link below

The deadline to submit your applications is May, 10th 2024 (noon)




Research Assistant - (LEAP, Harvard University)

Livia Alfonsi (Harvard and LEAP) is looking for a full-time Pre-Doc to work on projects related to development economics for three months (with a possible extension into 2024-2025 academic year conditional on fit and performance), starting in May 2023. The selected applicant should be enthusiastic about research and motivated to apply their strong analytical and writing skills to development. The selected person will work on several projects investigating labor market frictions and the determinants of labor market participation in low-income countries. Among the ongoing projects, there is a study evaluating the impact of gender bias training for firm owners in Addis Ababa. Another dedicated to understanding the low adoption rate of safety amenities among SMEs in Delhi, exploring both its causes and implications. Responsibilities will include data cleaning and econometric analysis, as well as assisting with data collection activities, designing survey instruments, preparing training materials for surveys, and conducting literature reviews. 

How to apply: You can submit your application to by attaching the following material:

  • One-page CV

  • One-page cover letter (one-page max) Cover letter outlining your motivation, experience and fit to the opportunity

The deadline to submit your applications is April, 15th 2024. We will not consider any application submitted after the deadline. 



Project Manager - Uganda (Dyadic Research Impacts)

Start date: Early May 2024

Vittorio Bassi (USC), Monica Morlacco (USC), Tommaso Porzio (Columbia) and Esau Tugume (BRAC & Dyadic) are seeking to hire a project manager to lead a field project involving a large-scale survey data collection on firms in Uganda. This is a 6-month position, with the possibility of renewal for an additional period of up to 6 months, depending on performance. The project manager will be based in Kampala at our partner research firm Dyadic Research Impacts and will be involved in the third round of data collection on a representative sample of SMEs, to study misallocation of resources and firm growth in informal clusters. The PIs are looking for a project manager to help lead the field activities for this project.

How to apply: please contact Elena Spadini: The application is rolling, so please apply as soon as possible. Please attach a one-page CV, a one-page statement of purpose and a recently written short sample STATA .do file



Policy Economist (Firms) 

Start Date: no later than 08/04/2024.

Based at the London School of Economics and Political Science, the IGC is s centre with a network of world-leading researchers and country teams across Africa, South Asia, and the Middle East. The IGC work with policymakers in developing countries to promote inclusive and sustainable growth through pathbreaking research.

The IGC is currently looking for someone to join our team as Policy Economist to support the portfolio of IGC activities under the Firms, Trade, and Productivity theme at the LSE Hub. The IGC offer an occupational pension scheme, generous annual leave and excellent training and development opportunities. If required, they may be able to provide visa sponsorship for the position.

Apply here


Pre-doc Research Assistant(s) (EduCare Research Lab - LEAP)

Start date: April-September 2024.

Research Project: We are looking for four pre-doc research assistants working on the evaluation of education-related projects in Italy, Finland, and Chile.

Job description: Oversee and coordinate baseline and endline research activities, including the participation to field work; Clean and manage datasets; Conduct statistical analyses of data using Stata and R; Web scraping in python and website development; Prepare literature reviews, background research, and other draft content for grant proposals, academic papers, project reports.

How to apply: If you are interested, please send an email to following the guidelines you can find in the document below. 

Download here the full description.


Assegno di Ricerca at Università Cattolica (Restrictive Gender Norms, Women Empowerment and Development - PRIN 2022, CUP: J53D23004720001)

Research Project: : Gender norms in developing countries often constrain women’s economic choices and educational investment, perpetuating gender inequality and poverty. Yet, we know relatively little on why such norms persist and on policies potentially able to eradicate them. In this work, we propose projects to better understand the determinants of norm-abiding behavior and to evaluate interventions aimed at reducing gender norms. Theoretical frameworks incorporate “identity payoffs”, “social utility” and economic returns to explain why people follow norms. However, empirical work on these aspects remains scant, especially outside the laboratory. Our projects will provide novel empirical evidence on the role of identity, social pressure and material incentives in real world settings. We propose a portfolio of three workpackages (WP) which study complementary aspects, but share a focus on gender norms and the use of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) to remove barriers to - 9 - gender norms’ perpetuation. The selected candidate will carry out research activities in the field of development economics employing the advanced theoretical and econometric techniques needed to perform this task successfully.

How to apply: The relevant offer is Posto nr. 5 (page 8). Applications can be sent using the dedicated portal. All instructions for applications can be found at page 79. 

Deadline: November 15, 2023.


Assegno di Ricerca (Restrictive Gender Norms, Women Empowerment and Development - PRIN 2022, CUP: J53D23004730001)

Start date: December 1, 2023.

Research Project: We study how changing norms about female employment requires workplaces to adapt and become more supportive of working mothers. Through a largescale experiment in Kenya which encourages institutions to create lactation rooms, we shed light on how motherfriendly workplaces affect women’s labor market outcomes. This is complemented by: the analysis of admin data from a firm that recently established a lactation room to study its effect on workers’ productivity; nation-wide surveys of employers to study firms’ decisions to invest in workplace amenities; and a recruitment survey experiment with potential jobseekers to study employees’ preferences over those amenities.

Job description: The selected candidate will carry out research activities in the field of development economics employing the advanced theoretical and econometric techniques needed to perform this task successfully. Tasks may change over time, but they include: • preparing and programming surveys using Qualtrics • cleaning and analysing data with STATA (knowledge of STATA, Latex and Qualtrics is required) • literature reviews and background research (Knowledge of English language is required) • preparation of project-related documents, for internal and external use • organization of meetings •research assistance and monitoring in the field The Experience in the field of development research (and field research) is desirable.

How to apply: Applications can be sent using the dedicated portal. Please select the call "LEAP" published on October 19.

Deadline: November 19, 2023.


Internship (Remote)

Start date: As soon as possible (no later than September 1st 2023).

Job description: The intern will primarily work (75% of time) on an experiment on gender discrimination in the Ugandan referral system (UGG) “Whom Would You Rather Work With?” Project; studying how referrals by employees within a firm may perpetuate gender segregation among skilled workers in Uganda, thus penalizing minority groups and reinforcing labor market segregation. For the remaining 25% of the time the intern will also work on the “Meet Your Future” project (MYF). This is a Randomized Control Trial that seeks to investigate how mentoring for young jobseekers entering job market can increase the effectiveness of the job search process. The intern will work with Livia Alfonsi, Pedro Ferreira and BRAC.

How to apply: send a CV, a short cover letter (one-page max) and a recently written sample STATA .do file to: and

Please write “UGG-internship application” followed by your last name in the subject of your application email.

Download here the full description


Research Assistant (Harvard University)

Start date: September 2023

Job description: the Research Assistant would be working on projects aimed at understanding the impact of colonial policies on the economic development of Francophone Africa today. The tasks performed by the Research Assistant may include conducting data cleaning and analysis, reading French historical records, traveling to archives in Pau and Paris, and (in some cases) developing text parsing tools to extract information from archival sources.

How to apply: send your Resume to Awa Ambra Seck (

Download here the full description.


Field Research Associate (Kampala, Uganda)

Start date: as-soon-as-possible, no later than January 2024

Job description: we are looking to hire one or two research associates for a study on high-growth firms/entrepreneurs and financial/management practices in Uganda. The interns’ work arrangement will be flexible and depend upon the project’s needs, but most of the activity will take place in Kampala. The research associates will work very closely with and report daily to the Principal Investigator (PI) of the project, namely Emanuele Colonnelli (Associate Professor, Chicago Booth), the broader research team based primarily in Chicago, as well as government and private sector partners, including local and international investors. We expect the work to be excellent preparation for a PhD in an economics department, business school, or public policy school, or a career in international organizations. Individuals with a general interest in shaping policy and private sector development in developing countries are also encouraged to apply.

How to apply: candidates should submit a copy of their CV, unofficial transcript, and a few lines on why they are interested in the project, when they can start, and the ideal duration of the internship. More details in the attached document. 

Download here the full description.


Research Assistant (Simon Goerlach)

Start date: As soon as possible.

Job description: The organization and financing of elderly care is a major challenge for aging societies. I am looking for a research assistant interested in gaining experience in data collection, and in understanding the role of migration in elderly care. The task will be centered on the collection of original data in a company providing care services. The result of this work will be a novel dataset that allows an analysis of the market for elderly care in Italy. Since the company is located in Brescia, you will be working there approximately 3 days/week (travel expenses from Milano can be covered). While ideally, I would hire you as a full-time RA, we could think of a part-time solution if needed. You will get first-hand insights into the workings of a crucial economic sector. Furthermore, you will gain experience in the compilation and handling of large datasets, as well as the production of statistics and the application of econometric techniques.

How to apply: email prof. Simon Goerlach at 


Consultant (The World Bank Group)

Start date: October 10, 2023.

Job description: The consultant will support the preparatory activities related to the evaluation of the social inclusion paths. The Consultant will work under the supervision of the project’s Task Team Leader and of the M&E Specialists, working in close coordination with the whole Italy GMI project team. Specifically, for all the households belonging to the evaluation sample group, whether control or treatment, it will be important to systematically reconstruct which services they have access to and which they use during the evaluation period.
To this end, several strategies have been identified to ensure a uniform and punctual collection of services activated locally for all beneficiaries of the evaluation. More generally, they are part of a broader strategy of harmonization and integration of administrative data not already present on GePI, testing any modules for data collection and insertion methods by territories.

How to apply: Please send your CV to Alessandra Marini ( and Ludovica Cherchi (

Read here the full description.


General Field Research Associates (J-PAL Early Recruitment Drive)

Start date: May 1, 2024.

Job description: The projects study and evaluate a variety of topics and policy-relevant interventions within the previously listed fields. The positions offer an opportunity to gain first-hand field management experience in an organization undertaking cutting-edge development research. These positions are located primarily in developing countries around the world and the principal investigators are J-PAL affiliated professors. Field Research Associates work closely with academic researchers and other field staff to perform a variety tasks including, but not limited to: designing survey questionnaires, conducting qualitative research, running pilot exercise, refining study design and surveying instruments, managing survey teams, negotiating contracts with survey firms, checking and analyzing data, cleaning data and assisting in preliminary analysis, assisting in the writing of project reports and policy memos, and coordinating with local partners running the programs being evaluated. These positions may lead to a growing research career within J-PAL or similar organizations, but can also be a great launching point for graduate study in economics, public policy, and related fields.

How to apply: Complete the J-PAL/IPA common application

Deadline: October 9, 2023.

Read here the full description.


General Data Research Associates (J-PAL Early Recruitment Drive)

Start date: May 1, 2024.

Job description: These positions offer a tremendous opportunity for highly qualified recent graduates to gain first-hand analysis experience in an organization undertaking cutting-edge development research. These positions are located globally at the offices of our J-PAL affiliated professors, a group comprising the leading development and applied-micro economists worldwide. Data Research Associates work hand-in-hand with faculty members to clean and analyze data collected from the field. They may also help write project reports, assist in the development of data collection protocols, prepare requests for approval to relevant internal review boards (IRB), and help with other research assistant tasks as needed. These positions are particularly interesting for recent graduates who are strongly considering graduate study in economics. In addition to learning more about the field of high-level economics research, selected candidates will gain excellent training in analytical techniques, advanced programming in Stata and/or R, and exposure to recently-collected field data. This experience with J-PAL affiliates and projects has proven to be an excellent preparation for applications to top graduate schools.

How to apply: Complete the J-PAL/IPA common application

Deadline: October 9, 2023.

Read here the full description.


Research Assistants (Bocconi University)

Start date: September 18, 2023.

Job description: We are looking for several part-time research assistants who can start working as soon as possible on the project “Learning to see the world’s opportunities: the impact of mental imagery on entrepreneurial action”, which is joint work with Nava Ashraf (LSE), Gharad Bryan (LSE), Ashley Pople (World Bank), Leonardo Iacovone (World Bank) and Emily Holmes (Uppsala). As part of the last round of surveys in the project, we recorded respondents’ answers to some open-ended questions. The main task that the RAs will work on consists in listening to the recordings and categorizing the answers given by respondents following some guidelines provided by the researchers. Each RA will be responsible for categorizing around 200 answers.

How to apply: send your CV to Alexia Delfino ( Please check the full description for instructions.

Deadline: September 8, 2023.

Download here the full description.


Research Assistant (DIRB virtual Research Center)

Start date: October 2023.

Job description: Preparing and programming surveys using Qualtrics; cleaning and analysing data with STATA; literature reviews and background research; preparation of project-related documents, for internal and external use; organization of meetings.

How to apply: Applications can be sent using the dedicated portal. Please select the call "MUSA – Multilayered Urban Sustainability Action (PNRR – M. 4, C. 2, CUP B43D21011010006, Avviso n. 3277 del 30-12-2021)".

Deadline: September 18, 2023.


Research Assistant (DIRB virtual Research Center)

Start date: October 2023.

Job description: The job will consist of some or all of the following tasks: data cleaning (e.g., analysis of response behavior - unit/item nonresponse, duplicates, error checks, etc.); data construction (e.g., merging and appending data sets, construction of indicators from responses to multiple items); data analysis (both descriptive and causal inference within LATE-IV/DID designs); assistance with survey development (e.g., development of new questions from existing ones, programming of the online survey using Qualtrics or similar platform). While not essential, previous experience with design and/or implementation of surveys or field experiments will be evaluated positively. The same applies to familiarity with methods for text analysis.

How to apply: Applications can be sent using the dedicated portal. Please select the call "GRINS – Growing Resilient, INclusive and Sustainable (CUP B43C22000760006 PNRR M4-C2 Avviso n. 341 del 15-03-2022)".

Deadline: September 17, 2023.


One-year Full-time Predoctoral Fellow Position at LEAP and Bicocca University

Start date: October 2023 (flexible)

Project: The position is aimed at supporting different ongoing research projects on development and migration economics, run by LEAP affiliate Andrea Guariso (University of Milan Bicocca/TIME/LEAP) and Mariapia Mendola (University of Milan Bicocca/IZA).
The research projects’ overarching theme is development and migration, and specific projects include for instance assessing the effect of telehealth on gender inclusion and health in rural India,
studying the role of new technologies on health workers’ productivity in Sierra Leone, assessing the role of migration costs on border-crossing and self-selection, and studying the design of economic and social integration policies for effective inclusion of migrants and refugees.

Job description: The position offers an opportunity to gain first-hand experience in carrying out and developing cutting-edge empirical research. We expect to involve the predoctoral fellow in different stages of research, including brainstorming, literature reviews, field experiment design and supervision, model building, data processing, data analysis, data visualization, and writing.
We are looking for a person who enjoys independent problem-solving and thrives on taking highlevel directional advice and then running with this advice as far as possible. A willingness to work hard, be self-motivated, and learn will be essential for doing well in this position. The ideal candidate is someone interested in pursuing an academic career in the future, with very good oral and written communication skills in English.

How to apply: candidates should submit their CV, a short cover letter, transcripts, and the name of at least one reference to

Deadline: applications will be considered on a rolling basis, until the position is filled, starting from June 15th.

Download here the full description.


The LSE Department of Management is seeking an independent, and skilled Project Manager/Research Assistant to support ongoing research in development, industrial organization, international trade, applied microeconomics for one year in the field. The job will be based in Kigali, Rwanda.

See attachment


Summer internship for the project "Understanding the role of informal firms' clusters for productivity and growth" led by Vittorio Bassi, Monica Morlacco, Tommaso Porzio and Esau Tugume.

See attachment 


Three positions at Université de Namur as a TA (half phd half TA status) 

Applicants must be able to master the French language

1) Full-time Teaching & Research Assistant position in Economics (m/f) (PhD-track) /167-01

annonce assistant eco 2023 167-01.docx

EuraxessJobs-formulaire-poste 167-01.docx

2) Full-time Teaching & Research Assistant position in Economics (m/f) (PhD-track) /167-02

annonce assistant eco 2023 167-02.docx

EuraxessJobs-formulaire-poste 167-02.docx

3) Full-time Teaching & Research Assistant position in Economics (m/f) (PhD-track) /167-03 and SMIDE CPO

annonce assistant eco 2023 167-03.docx

EuraxessJobs-formulaire-poste 167-03.docx


7 PhD scholarships in economics at CERDI - Université Clermont Auvernge

The CERDI (Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches sur le Développement International), a joint research centre of the Université Clermont Auvernge, CNRS and IRD, offers at least seven scholarships for a PhD thesis in economics.

These three-year scholarships (of an identical amount) are related to two different types of topics: four open topics, for which candidates can freely develop their thesis proposal, and three pre-specified topics related to specific partnerships or research projects.

Download the full description




The deadline for applying is on May 12, 2023.


Three economist positions available at IFC MCT region (Middle East, Central Asia, Türkiye, Pakistan & Afghanistan)

• Economist. This is a GF position for an applied economist with an interest in working on private sector development issues and a strong quantitative background and a demonstrated interest in pursuing applied research.

Application link is here.

• Senior Economist. This is a GG position for seasoned research and applied economists with a demonstrated ability to work on private sector development issues, a track record of publications, and a strong quantitative background.

G1: Application link is here.
G2: Application link is here.

All fields and specialization will be considered, although preference would be given to candidates with experience working on topics of importance to the Middle East, Central Asia, Türkiye, Pakistan & Afghanistan. 

Please feel free to reach out to Arti Grover if you may like to learn more about the work of the team and the knowledge and research agenda in particular.


1 Position as Research Assistant at LEAP

The Laboratory for Effective Anti-poverty Policies (LEAP) is looking to hire one pre-doctoral research associate to work at Bocconi University in Milan on projects related to development economics for three months with possible extention starting as soon as possible. The candidate will work with professors Lucia Corno, Alexia Delfino and Stefano Fiorin on prejects related to harmful norms.

 The selected applicant should be enthusiastic about research and motivated to apply their strong analytical and writing skills to development. Responsibilities will include data cleaning and econometric analysis, as well as assisting with data collection activities, designing survey instruments, preparing training materials for surveys, and conducting literature reviews. The most recent cohorts of research assistants have joined PhD programs at MIT, Harvard, LSE and Brown, among others.



  • Bachelor’s degree in Economics, Statistics, Computer Science or Mathematics with a strong academic record.
  • Excellent analytical ability demonstrated through academic writing and programming.
  • Excellent command of Stata, Latex and MS office.
  • Experience with collecting primary data or working on field experiments in developing countries
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills in English.


  • Master’s degree in Economics, Statistics, Computer Science or Mathematics with a strong academic record.
  • Knowledge of R or Python.
  • Interest in pursuing a PhD in Economics.

How to apply:

Please send the following documents as a combined pdf to Academic transcripts

  • CV/Resume
  • Cover letter outlining:
    • Interest in position
    • Previous research and field experience
  • Bachelor/Master Thesis (or any relevant writing sample)


Selected applicants will be asked to perform an analytical task which will then be followed by interviews. The selected applicant will be expected to start in as soon as possible and the position will be based in Milan, Italy. Last date to apply is April 5th, 2023.



1 position as 3 Year Post-doc 

We are inviting applications for a position as Post-doc Researcher for a duration of 3 years in the field of Public Economics at Bocconi.

The researcher would be working in close collaboration with Jerome Adda, Joseph-Simon Goerlach and Paola Profeta on projects investigating challenges for aging societies in relation to gender inequality, migration and elderly care, as well as the distribution of mortality risk during the pandemic.

See position Dondena 13/A1 Economics, 13/A2 Economic Policy, 13/A3 Public Economics on - the detailed call is attached.


Deadline for applications:   14/04/2023



1 Student Internship / Write your Thesis opportunity

The organization and financing of elderly care is a major challenge for aging societies. Professor Simon Goerlach is offering an internship with the option of writing a thesis on the topic.

The task for the internship is centered on the collection of anonymized data in a firm providing care services. Italian language knowledge is required, and much of the initial work would be located in Brescia.


For further information, please contact Joseph-Simon Goerlach (



Research Assistant position - “Fostering Social Skills in Ethnic Diversity Through Inclusive Classroom Practices”

Professor Sule Alan (European University Institute), Michela Carlana (Harvard Kennedy School) and Marinella Leone (University of Pavia) are looking for Research Assistants to work on a project on education in Italy. 

Deadline for application: March 20th , 2023 

Details for application can be found in the attached document

Proficiency in Italian is essential.


1 Full-Time Position as Predoctoral Fellow - 1 Year

We have an opening for a full-time predoctoral fellow position for at least one year, ideally starting as of February 2023 (exact timing is flexible). The position is aimed at supporting different ongoing research projects on organizational/personnel economics in low-income countries, run by the two LEAP affiliates Erika Deserranno (Northwestern University/Bocconi University/LEAP) and Andrea Guariso (University of Milan Bicocca/TIME/LEAP).


The research projects’ overarching theme is the digitization of public service delivery, e.g., assessing the effect of telehealth on gender inclusion and health in rural India, assessing the effects of new monitoring-based technologies provided to community health workers in Sierra Leone on their productivity, assessing the effect of digitizing social registries in Liberia. Some of the projects haven't started yet and are thus in their infancy, others are more advanced.

The position offers an opportunity to gain first-hand experience in carrying out and developing cutting-edge empirical research. We expect to involve the predoctoral fellow in different stages of research, including brainstorming, literature reviews, field experiment design and supervision, model building, data processing, data analysis, data visualization and writing.

We are looking for a person who enjoys independent problem-solving and thrives on taking high-level directional advice and then running with this advice as far as possible. A willingness to work hard, be self-motivated and learn will be essential for doing well in this position. The ideal candidate is someone interested in pursuing an academic career in the future, with very good oral and written communication skills in English.


Roles and Responsibilities:

·      Data cleaning and econometric analysis

·      Data visualization

·      Model building

·      Preparing literature reviews

·      Support writing policy reports

·      Assisting the principal investigators in various aspects of the projects. Depending on the circumstances, there might be the possibility to spend some time in the field (India, Sierra Leone, or Liberia) to support the ongoing projects


Desired qualifications and experience:

·      A Bachelor or Master degree in economics, statistics, or related fields.

·      Strong interests in academic research. Ideally, the candidate has the intention to work towards a PhD in one of the above disciplines.

·      Excellent management and organizational skills. Meticulous, organized, and detail-oriented.

·      Strong quantitative skills. Advanced knowledge of Stata and LaTeX.

·      Proficient in English


Job conditions:

·      Full-time position

·      Competitive pay, commensurate with experience.

·      Ideally, the candidate will be based in Milan, although remote work can be considered.

·      The position is for a year, starting in February 2023 (felxible)


If you are interested in becoming an active part of our research team and working on exciting research projects, please send your CV, a short cover letter, transcripts, and the name of at least one reference to both Erika Deserranno ( and Andrea Guariso ( We will consider applications on a rolling basis, until the position is filled, starting from January 7th.


1 post-Doctoral position at LEAP - 2 Years 

We are inviting applications for a 2-year post-doc position in Development Economics.

The start date can be either April 1, 2023 or September 1, 2023 . Interviews will be conducted on the European Job Market on December 12th -14th.

Interviews will be conducted remotely by video

To apply, please submit a Curriculum Vitae, a completed research paper and three reference letters to EconJobMarket. Submission deadline is November 25th, 2022

Applicants should have excellent research potential and have a Ph.D. degree in Economics or expect to receiving one by September 1, 2023.

More details at this link


1 Position as Postdoctoral Research Fellow at t the University of Göttingen – 3 years - Attachment

The University of Göttingen is looking for a post-doc fellow to work on a research group works on Development Economics and Global Health.

A PhD in Development Economics, Development Studies, Global Health or another related discipline is required.

Starting date is as soon as possible. The position is limited to 3 years. The salary is in accordance with the German public service salary scale (Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L)

Applications close on the 11th of November 2022.

You may upload your application in one pdf file on the application portal of the university using this link:

For more information get in touch with Sebastian Vollmer directly via E-Mail:, Tel. 0551-3928170 .

More information in the attached file


1 position as a Predoc or Postdoc Research Assistant – Impact evaluation of electrification program

PIs: Jacopo Bonan (Politecnico di Milano), Giovanna d'Adda (Università degli Studi di Milano) 

Jacopo Bonan and Giovanna d’Adda are looking for a pre-doc research assistant working on the impact evaluation of an electrification program in Vanuatu.

The project will evaluate the impact of access to electricity on household and gender outcomes. The research is based in Italy and will involve survey preparation, data cleaning and analysis, and help with report writing. The contract is full-time for 12 months, based in Milan.


Good social and quantitative skills are required.

Start date: as soon as possible.

 Compensation is competititve. Interested candidates are invited to contact Jacopo Bonan ( as soon as possible for further information on the project, timeline, compensation and a preliminary interview.


1 Two-Year Post Doc position at the Mistra Center for Sustainable Markets (Misum) at Stockholm School of Economics (SSE)

The Mistra Center for Sustainable Markets (Misum) at Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) invites applications for a two-year Post Doc position targeted to economists working in the broadly defined area of sustainable development. This includes, but is not limited to, fields such as development economics, environmental economics, and health economics.

To receive full consideration, make sure to submit your material via email to For questions related to the opening, please contact

The required submission materials are:

• Cover letter
• Curriculum vitae
• Job market paper
• 2 Letters of reference
• Additional paper (optional)
• Other material (in one file) (optional)

The starting date is September 1st, 2023.


More information about the offer and details on how to apply is found in the offer.



To promote the education and improvement of junior scholars, the Università Commerciale “Luigi Bocconi” of Milan, announces a competition by exams and academic titles for the award, by means of an appropriate contract of 1 research grant, with a duration of 24 months, for the Sectors 13/A1 ECONOMICS ; 13/A3 PUBLIC ECONOMICS and 13/D3 DEMOGRAPHY AND SOCIAL STATISTICS at the virtual center DIRB , Project MUSA (Multilayered Urban Sustainability Action).

Professor of referral: prof. Alessandra CASARICO.

The postdoc will contribute to setting up the lab and to the development of its research activities on the themes of inequality, social and economic inclusion. He/she will also work on his/her research agenda on these topics. The candidate will be about to or will have completed a PhD in economics or related disciplines. Education, labor market and health are some of the areas of interest. Candidates must be well versed in empirical work.

Applicants should apply by submitting the complete package via our on-line application system, which can be found at "" by 18 November 2022.

The grant will last for 24 months and indicatively run from 1 st December 2022. The award of the grant implies a commitment to undertake research, study and preparation of research activities for at least four days a week.

The amount of the research grant is € 30.000,00 gross per annum. The amount is excluded from “Irpef tax” (income tax), according to article 4 of the Law dated 13th August 1984, n°476


The World Bank - DIME STC Recruitment Drive - October 2022

DIME is now hiring Short Term Consultants (STCs) to work as Research Assistants, Field Coordinators, and Junior Field Coordinators for 27 open positions. These roles provide recent master's level graduates and working professionals opportunities to improve public policy on the basis of better data and research. Eligible candidates must hold at least a master's level degree in economics, public policy or a related field (except for a Junior Field Coordinator role, for which eligible candidates must hold at least a bachelor's level degree in related fields).

Additional impact evaluation experience is preferred, but not required.

You may find more details here.

Applications must be submitted using this application form.


2 Postdoctoral positions at CERDI (Centre d'Études et de Recherches sur le Développement International)

CERDI (a leading research center specialized in development economics, France) is opening up to 2 post-doctoral positions (2 + 1 optional years) in development economics and related fields (e.g. cultural economics, political economy, economic history, long-run growth, international economics, fiscal policy, etc.).


The starting date is September 1st, 2023.


All applications should be made on ( [Please note that you need to be logged-in to see the offer on the website].


Deadline for application is November 13, 2022. First-round of interviews will be held during the (virtual) European Job Market (December 12-14, 2022).



2 Stephan Klassen Fellowships - Georg-August-Universität

The Faculty of Business and Economics at the Georg-August-Universität; is offering two “Stephan Klassen” Fellowships for postdoctoral researchers in development economics from low and middle-income countries; according to the OECD DAC list.


Candidates are further required to hold a PhD in development economics (or similar) before the start date of the fellowship. Applications should be submitted to  

Applications close 15th November 2022.

Further details are provided at the following links:

2 Stephan Klasen Fellowships - Georg-August Universität Göttingen | Leap (


Research Assistant Positions.

Diego Ubfal (LEAP affiliate) is looking for RAs to work in three projects he is leading (with World Bank and IPA). The three projects are RCTs:

  1. Soft skills training with recent graduates in Rwanda (data work completed). The RA will work on revising already generated do files, preparing tables (replicating existing do files) and helping with reports.
  2. Soft skills training and large grants for female entrepreneurs in the Democratic Republic of Congo (half of data work completed). The RA will work on cleaning data, preparing do files, generating tables, and helping with reports.
  3. Comparing face-to-face training with an e-learning app, and networking interventions in Ethiopia (project to start soon). The RA will work on coding surveys into surveyCTO, cleaning data, preparing do files, generating tables, and helping with reports.

The requirements include:

  1. Advanced knowledge of and experience using Stata, latex (to output tables), overleaf and surveyCTO.
  2. For the DRC project, basic knowledge of French is desirable.
  3. For the Ethiopia project, familiarity with how to download data from Telegram would be a plus.
  4. Current or Former Student in Masters or PhD program in Economics.

Interested candidates should send a CV, unofficial transcript (or grades in key courses), and brief expression of interest indicating the project in which they are most interested in to The positions can start as early as in October 2022, with some flexibility. Work will be conducted remotely.


Predoc Research Assistant at UNIMI - link to apply

PIs: Giovanna d'Adda (Università degli Studi di Milano), Alireza Naghavi (Università di Bologna), Vincenzo Pezone (University of Tillbrug) and Giuseppe Pignataro (Università di Bologna)

We are looking for a pre-doc research assistant working on a research project on the quality of contract enforcement by courts and interfirm networks and trust. The research is based in Italy and will use a combination of methods: 1. analysis of administrative data on Italian courts and firms; 2. survey experiments with Italian firms. The contract is full-time for 12 months, based in Milan. Good social and quantitative skills and knowledge of Italian are required. Start date: by October 1. The position will be awarded through a public competition: the call is posted at this link: (ID 5376)


The deadline is September 7th. However, interested candidates are invited to contact Giovanna d'Adda ( as soon as possible for further information on the project and a preliminary interview.


PEDL Research Officer at CEPR - Attachment

The Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) is looking to recruit a dynamic, dedicated individual with an interest in cutting-edge, policy-relevant research in development economics for a full-time  Research Officer position within its Private Enterprise Development in Low-Income Countries (PEDL) programme.

The researcher will work on a number of tasks, including the production of reports for the FCDO outlining the initiative's progress and achievements against its original timeline and objectives and identifying key policy-relevant projects to highlight; and the pre-award evaluation of research projects: screening each submission for scientific merit and policy relevance, which entails a careful analysis and grading of each proposal, before being passed to the PEDL Scientific Coordinator for further evaluation.

The position is based in London or Paris. 

A Postgraduate degree in economics, public policy or a related discipline with a significant focus on econometric techniques is required. 

Research and work experience in developing countries is desirable.

Applications should be made by submission of a CV and short cover letter outlining their skills and motivation to, quoting "PRO22-WEB". Candidates should also mention their availability and preferred start date in the cover letter.
The deadline is Friday, 15 July 2022, however, applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.


Research Economist position with World Bank Tunisia - Attachment 

The World Bank is looking to hire a research economist to work on a couple of research projects in its Tunisia office, starting indicatively in September 2022 for a period of at least 6 months. The projects aim to assess the impact of tax policy on firms’ behavior and to study the impact of regime change on competition.

The position is based in Tunis. The researcher will work on a panel data of the universe of Tunisian registered firms that can only be accessed at the national statistical office (INS). Good level of spoken French is highly desirable in order to interact more effectively with people at the INS.

The requirements include proven experience in working with micro data, ideally firm-level data, proficiency in STATA, excellent understanding of economics, particularly micro and econometrics, and good English writing skills.

PhD candidates in Economics or related disciplines would be preferred, but Masters graduates with extensive research experience would also be considered.

Interested candidates should send a CV along with at least one authored paper (even if only in draft stage), the contact of at least one academic referee and a very brief statement of interest to: The applications would be considered on a first come first serve basis. The successful candidate will be hired as a Short-term Consultant by the World Bank. Depending on the level of contribution, there could be the possibility of co-authoring some of the research papers produced in the context of the projects.


Associate director of Policy - Attachment

We are looking for an Associate director of Policy to join our team. The contract is for 3 years (subject to a yearly performance review) . A Master’s degree in economics, statistics, public policy or a closely related field that includes significant training in economics and statistics or quantitative methods of program evaluation is required. Ph.D in related subjects is a plus. Social, quantitative skills and a good knowledge of English are required. Start date: by October 1. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for an interview.


Senior Research Associate - Attachment 


We are looking for a Senior Research Associate to join our team. The contract is for 12 months (renewable). The Associate will work in close collaboration with LEAP’s Executive and Scientific Directors, LEAP faculty and affiliated students. A Master’s degree in economics or statistics is required. Social, quantitative skills and a good knowledge of English are required (Italian and(or French preferable). Start date: 01/09/2022. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for an interview.


Predoc Research Assistant - Attachment

PIs: Sule Alan (Bocconi University), Michela Carlana (Harvard Kennedy School), Eliana La Ferrara (Bocconi University), Marinella Leone (University of Pavia)

We are looking for a pre-doc research assistant working on the evaluation of two education-related projects in Italy: “Fostering Social Skills in Ethnic Diversity Through Inclusive Classroom Practices” and “TOP-Tutoring Online Project”. The contract is for 12 months. Good social and quantitative skills and knowledge of Italian are required. The position is funded by J-PAL European Social Inclusion Initiative and Cariplo Foundation. Start date: by September 1. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for an interview.


Predoc Research Assistant based in Rome - Attachment

PIs: Michela Carlana (Harvard Kennedy School), Eliana La Ferrara (Bocconi University)

We are looking for a pre-doc research assistant working on education projects based in Italy with datasets from INVALSI and the Italian Ministry of Education. The contract is for 12 months, based in Rome and it can be part-time or full-time. Good social and quantitative skills and knowledge of Italian are required. Start date: by September 1. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for an interview.


Field Coordinator – September- December 2022 - Attachment

PIs: Lucia Corno (Cattolica University, LEAP and CEPR) and Selim Gulesci (Trinity College Dublin, LEAP, J-PAL and CEPR)

We are looking for an experienced field coordinator to supervise the implementation of adolescent girls clubs in 135 villages in Burkina to reduce female genital cutting and child marriage.The intervention is in collaboration with Children Believe. Based in Ouagadugu, Burkina Faso. If you are interested the position, write to by June 30th including (1) CV (2) Cover Letter (3) contact details of a reference (4) a do file you wrote for a previous work (thesis/course/RA job). Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for an interview. Please indicate Position #1 Burkina in the object of your email.


Position #2 – September- December 2022 - Attachment

PI: Lucia Corno (Cattolica University, LEAP and CEPR)

I am looking for a research assistant/field coordinator to work on an RCT on breast ironing in Cameroon in Collaboration with IRESCO (INSTITUT POUR LA RECHERCHE, LE DEVELOPPEMENT SOCIO-ECONOMIQUE ET LA COMMUNICATION). The job will be based at IRESCO office in Yaounde’, Cameroon. If you are interested the position, write to including (1) CV (2) Cover Letter (3) contact details of a reference (4) a do file you wrote for a previous work (thesis/course/RA job) by June 30th. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for an interview. Please indicate Position #2 Cameroon in the object of your email.


Position #3 – September- July 2022-23 -  Attachment

Based in Milan, Italy

PI: Lucia Corno

I am looking for a pre-doc RA to work at LEAP and Cattolica University in Milan on projects related to harmful norms in developing country for one year starting in September 2022.The candidate should be available to do some field work in Africa during the year. How to apply: Please send the following documents as a combined pdf to including (1) CV/Resume (2) Cover letter outlining: interest in position and previous research and field experience (3) academic transcripts (4) 2 names of reference that I will contact asking for recommendation letter.
Last date to apply is June 20th, 2022.



We are looking for daily volunteers on the RCT project “Fostering Social Skills in Ethnic Diversity Through Inclusive Classroom Practices” (PIs: Sule Alan, Michela Carlana and Marinella Leone) from the period May 9th to 23rd. The volunteer will support the data collection and the field work activities of the project in elementary schools in Lombardy. The project aims to advance the understanding of how the school environment influences the way students interact and develop essential social skills. Requirements: knowledge of Italian, based in Milan and good social skills. Volunteers can join field activities for one day or more based on their availability.

If you are interested get in touch with


Research Internship - attachment

Vittorio Bassi (USC and IGC), Monica Morlacco (USC), Tommaso Porzio (Columbia) and Esau Tugume (BRAC & Dyadic) are looking for a research intern to help with fieldwork in Uganda this summer. This is an exciting opportunity for Master students interested in development research. The intern will work primarily on the project “Understanding the role of informal firms’ clusters for productivity and growth”. The project aims to collect three rounds of panel survey data on a representative sample of SMEs in urban Uganda, to study misallocation of resources and firm growth in informal clusters. The first wave of the panel will be collected in summer 2022, and will involve the roll out of a survey of about 1,000 SMEs in the main cities of Uganda.


Investment & Impact Officer 

You will be in charge of prospecting, analyzing and processing applications received by the FID (Le Fonds d’Innovation pour le Développement) as well as monitoring funded projects. You will also be responsible for measuring, understanding and communicating the performance of the FID, both at the global portfolio level and at the level of individual projects. You will be part of a small team and will report directly to the FID's executive management.
We are looking for someone with a Master's or PhD in development economics with several years of experience in monitoring research projects/impact evaluations, preferably in Sub-Saharan Africa. Preferably French-speaking candidates. Expertise in the agriculture/climate sector would be a plus.

The link to apply:


Field Coordinator - attachment

The Development Impact Evaluation (DIME) department in DEC has a multi-year partnership with the World Food Programme (WFP)’s Office of Evaluation (OEV) to generate impact evaluation evidence on WFP school-based programming, to better understand how school meal programs can promote health, nutrition, learning, and the creation of human capital, while at the same time stimulate local economies when school meals are procured locally. This will help generate evidence to inform the trade-offs in school-based programmes' designs and implementations. In addition, it aims to better understand how different school-based programme designs can play an important role as a social safety net protecting boys and girls during shocks. The Team is looking for a Field Coordinator to support the growing engagement in Jordan. The field coordinator will be in charge of liaising between the WFP country offices and evaluation team, overseeing the day-to-day implementation of the evaluation project and data collection efforts. Previous experience engaging implementing partners is a must. Proficiency in Arabic, Stata and SurveyCTO are also a must. The Field Coordinator will need to be willing to be based in Amman. More information on the role in the attachment. To apply or more information please get in touch with


Research Assistant - attachment

We are looking for one research assistant working part-time from 1st April to 30th of May 2022 on the evaluation of the project “Fostering Social Skills in Ethnic Diversity Through Inclusive Classroom Practices” in Italy. Good social and quantitative skills and knowledge of Italian are required. The position is funded by J-PAL European Social Inclusion Initiative.


Economist - World Bank- attachment

The Jobs Group is looking to recruit an Economist (GF) for its Rome Jobs, Labor Mobility and Sustainable Development  Program (Rome JLMSD Program). The Rome JLMSD Program has been established in 2020 with support from the Jobs Umbrella Multi-Donor Trust Fund (Jobs MDTF) (including a grant from the Government of Italy). It is housed in the World Bank’s Rome-based Center for Development Data (C4D2), which forms part of the World Bank Development Economics Vice Presidency.  


Internship at DIME - World Bank- attachment

DIME offers internships to students enrolled in areas ranging from economics and public policy to data and computer science to gain experience in development research. The summer internship program combines project-specific experience with training opportunities on survey and data-related topics. Eligible students must be enrolled in a degree program at the time of the internship. Master's and undergraduate students must also receive an appropriate scholarship or academic credit to be eligible for participation.


Economist - FAO - attachment

The Organization frequently engages experts to work on short-term activities and projects as international consultants or under personal service agreements at various levels of experience. International consultants are engaged by the Organization to provide expertise, skills or knowledge for the performance of a specific task or piece of work, which is short-term by nature. The assignment may involve full-time or part-time functions, with duration ranging from 1 month up to 11 months. The possibility of extension is subject to satisfactory performance and dependant on the availability of resources and needs of the Organization. Assignments can require travel or missions/appointment to field locations.


Research Assistant/Field Coordinator - attachment

We are looking for a project manager and up to 10 research assistants on the evaluation of a Tutoring Online Program in Italy. The project manager will work full-time from January to July 2022, while the research assistants will work full-time from January 15 to February 15 and from May 15 to the end of June. The project matches disadvantaged children with volunteer university tutors and it is aimed at mitigating gaps in education outcomes. Good social and quantitative skills and knowledge of Italian are required.


Research Assistant/Field Coordinator - attachment

Prof. Lucia Corno is looking for a research assistant/field coordinator to mainly work on an RCT on breast ironing in Cameroon in Collaboration with IRESCO (INSTITUT POUR LA RECHERCHE, LE DEVELOPPEMENT SOCIO-ECONOMIQUE ET LA COMMUNICATION). The RA will have the main tasks of cleaning and analysing baseline data, preparing materials for the intervention, training and supervision of the enumerators, monitoring project implementation. If you are interested the position, write to including (1) CV (2) Cover Letter (3) contact details of a reference (4) a do file you wrote for a previous work (thesis/course/RA job). Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for an interview.


Internship Opportunity – “Meet Your Future” Project - attachment

The intern will primarily work on the “Meet Your Future” project. This is a Randomized Control Trial that seeks to investigate how career-coaching and job search assistance for young jobseekers entering job market can (i) increase the effectiveness of the job search process and entrepreneurial efforts, (ii) influence their aspirations and self-confidence while at school, (iii) reduce information gaps, (iv) align expectations with labor market conditions and (v) improve labor market performance. To apply, please send a CV, a short cover letter (one-page max) and a recently written sample STATA .do file to: Please write “MYF-internship application” followed by your last name in the subject of your application


Evaluation Short Term Consultant - attachment

The World Bank is looking for a short-term consultant to support the impact evaluation implementation of the project as research assistant. The Consultant will work under the supervision of the M&E Specialist and the project’s Task Team Leader, working in close coordination with the whole Italy GMI project team. To submit your application, please write to Alessandra Marini (


Experienced Field Coordinator - attachment

Lucia Corno (Cattolica University, LEAP and CEPR) and Selim Gulesci (Trinity College Dublin, LEAP, J-PAL and CEPR) are looking for an experienced field coordinator to supervise a baseline data collection and an intervention on Female Genital Cutting in Burkina Faso in collaboration with Innovation for Poverty Action (IPA) and a local NGO. The field coordinator will organize and supervise the data collection, data cleaning and data analysis. The ideal candidate should be able to start as soon as possible and work until May 2022. The potential candidate will be based at the IPA office in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso).


Research Assistant - attachment

The World Bank is seeking a short-term consultant (research assistant). The consultant will be hired for a total of 30 work days. The contract will start from November 1st 2021 and will end on 31st December 2021, most of the work will happen in December. The consultant will work under the supervision of Diego Ubfal (Economist, Thematic Lead on Entrepreneurship, Africa Gender Innovation Lab, World Bank). 


Pre-doctoral Fellow in Economics - attachment

The Department of Economics of the University of Zurich invites applications for the position of a Predoctoral Fellow in Economics. The predoctoral fellow will work closely with Profs. Anne Brenøe and Alexia Delfino from Bocconi University on research projects in the fields of gender economics, child development, and labor economics. 


Internship (+ RA position) - attachment

PIs: Anne Brenoe (UZH), Alexia Delfino (Bocconi University), Claudio Schilter (UZH) are looking for an intern working part-time from 1 st of October 2021 to 1 st February 2022 on the project “Trying out Counter-Stereotypical Jobs: Evidence from Apprenticeships”. Upon satisfactory completion of the internship, the position can be converted to a Research Assistant position from February until the end of 2022.