LEAP faculty and students meet every other week to discuss ongoing research projects and development topics!
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A new LEAP Policy Brief - In collaboration with IEP, Institute of European Policymaking at Bocconi University
28 May 2024, 9am
Università Bocconi
Room 5-E4-SR04 (Alesina Seminar Room)
Fifth Floor, Via Roentgen 1
Thank you to all organizers and participants of the Workshop on Network and Development, held in Naples on 6-7 May, 2024!
The position is open to current Bocconi students. Deadline May, 27th
Thank you to the EUDN Conference attendees for a great lineup of Development Economics presentations!
The paper "Capital Markets, Temporary Migration and Entrepreneurship: Evidence from Bangladesh." by our affiliate Joseph-Simon Goerlach and co-authors has been published in World Development.
New funding for LEAP Affiliate Erika Deserranno, from UCL Stone - for the project "Remote care for remote areas: the impact of telehealth in rural India"