LEAP faculty and students meet every other week to discuss ongoing research projects and development topics!
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Research proposal “BAD NORMS – Changing Harmful Social Norms in Developing Countries” by La Ferrara E. receives funding by MIUR
The project focuses on the extremely harmful norm of female genital cutting (FGC) and aims at answering at the following questions: Why does FGC persist? Can we design effective policy interventions to reduce its incidence? In particular, the project will design and evaluate interventions aimed at (i) changing perceptions beliefs and attitudes towards FGC; and (ii) reducing the incidence of this practice.
Workshop LEAP/AICS in “La Cooperazione Informa”
Nel numero di Luglio un articolo sul workshop LEAP/AICS sulla valutazione di impatto, tenutosi il 5-6 Giugno 2017 presso l'Università Bocconi.
Research proposal "The Historical Roots of Female Genital Cutting" by La Ferrara E. and Corno L. receives funding by EDI
The research proposal "The Historical Roots of Female Genital Cutting" by Eliana la Ferrara (LEAP Scientific Director) and Lucia Corno (LEAP Executive Director) has been selected for funding by the Economic Development and Institutions (EDI).
Research proposal "Working While Studying" by Le Barbanchon T. and Ubfal D. receives funding by JPAL
The research proposal "Working While Studying" in response to JPAL SYP call, presented by Thomas Le Barbanchon and Diego Ubfal (LEAP affiliates) in partnership with the Ministry of Labor and Social Security of Uruguay, has been selected for funding.
Via Rӧntgen n. 1
LEAP/AICS Workshop: Valutazione d'impatto
Workshop per le Organizzazioni della Società Civile sponsorizzato da LEAP e AICS. Il workshop si è tenuto il 5-6 giugno 2017 presso l'Università Bocconi, Milano. Leggi il programma dell'evento e il comunicato stampa dell'Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo.
The Geneva Challenge 2017 - International Contest for Graduate Students
The Geneva Challenge aims to motivate master students to develop ideas on advancing human development within the scope of a relevant topic. Deadline May 25, 2017.
New Scholarship Opportunities for Students Studying Poverty
Fondazione Roberto Franceschi Onlus and Fondazione Isacchi Samaja Onlus announce scholarship opportunities for students focusing on issues tied to poverty.
"Accoglienza. Sistema di Ospitalità e Buone Pratiche di Inclusione Sociale"
Event organized by Croce Rossa Italiana - Comitato di Milano. Tuesday November 22, 2016, 6:30pm to 8:30pm. Via Marcello Pucci, 7, 20145 Milan.
World Bank and 3ie to Host a Panel on Education Effectiveness Systematic Review
November 3, 2016. Available via livestream from 1-2:30pm (Washington D.C., EDT) and 18-19:30 (Milan, Italy, CET)
PEDL Announces the Opening of Round 21 of ERGs
The deadline for the 21st ERG round is 5pm GMT on October 31, 2016.