One Post-Doctoral Research Position at LEAP

The Laboratory for Effective Antipoverty Policies (LEAP) at Bocconi University, Milan, invites applications for a 1+1-year post-doc position in Development Economics. The start date is beginning of September 2025. The exact date will be discussed with the candidate. LEAP’s mission is to reduce poverty around the world, with a focus on developing countries and Italy. This is done by combining original data collection in the field and rigorous research to be published in top tier academic journals. LEAP collaborates with governments and NGOs to evaluate the impact of innovative interventions. More information can be found here Leap - Home ( (
Successful candidates are expected to collaborate with LEAP affiliated faculty on joint projects and to contribute to the intellectual environment of LEAP. Projects can span a variety of topics within applied microeconomic development, including (but not limited to) the areas of family economics, social norms, education, health, agriculture, credit and firms. No teaching obligations. Applicants should have excellent research potential and have a Ph.D. degree in Economics or expect to receiving one by September 1, 2025.
To apply, please submit a Curriculum Vitae, a completed research paper and three reference letters to EconJobMarket ( Submission deadline is November 30th, 2024. LEAP will hold job interviews at the European Job Market on December 16-18, 2024.