2023 (12th) edition of the Summer School in Development Economics
The Italian Development Economist Association (IDEAS), the Department of Economics of Verona and the Centre for Development Economics and Sustainability of Monash University organize the 2023 (12th) edition of the Summer School in Development Economics.
Researchers interested in participating should 1) submit a short CV (pdf file) and 2) a complete paper or a detailed research proposal (pdf file), using the dedicated online application form.
Participants who are interested in attending the workshop but do not intend to present a paper are required to fill in the application form.
The application should be submitted by April 16th, 2023. Admissions decision will be announced by April 30th, 2023. All applicants will be informed by email about the selection results.The participation fee (€600 for graduate students and post‐docs, €750 for faculty) will cover the costs of meals and lodging in double or triple room for the duration of the workshop (arrive 25th June 2023 - departure 29th June 2023). Travel expenses are not covered by the participation fee.
Participants are encouraged to stay for the entire duration of the summer school. If it is not feasible, please specify the duration of the stay in the “note” field in the application form.
Priority will be given to participants who stay for the entire duration.
Deadline for payment of the participation fee May 31st, 2023.